Have the Academic Discipline to Find Online Adjunct Employment

The frustration among traditional college adjunct instructors over low pay and overcrowded college classrooms is developing into a serious dilemma for post-secondary education in general. After all, if a college adjunct teacher simply can’t earn a decent living by teaching a physical college classroom on a traditional college or university campus, there is intellectual erosion that takes place in terms of the quality of the academic delivery of university level information. Over the last five or ten years college and university administrators have attempted to save the large physical plants known as college and university campuses by mass firing college adjuncts and applying the budgets savings to maintaining and repairing the buildings containing the classrooms and re-asphalting the surrounding parking lots.

The result has been abject failure because the fewer adjunct there are to teach the growing numbers of new and returning college students the more intellectual work is required from the adjunct instructors for the same amount of income. This unfortunate situation can only be turned around by wholeheartedly adopting the distance education technology so successfully employed by for profit colleges that offer the bachelor degree online and the online master degree to their student populations. Of course, the distinct upside of this adoption is that every accredited online college degree program must have qualified online adjunct instructors teaching each of the online college classes within the online degree programs. This is why college teachers at physical colleges and universities should develop the academic discipline to find online adjunct employment.

An online adjunct instructor can make a considerable amount of online adjunct income by mastering the digital navigation skills required to move effortlessly in and out of the various online college courses every day. There are no geographical limitations for an online college instructor with multiple online adjunct faculty positions in the teaching schedule. An individual with a graduate degree, a master’s degree or Ph.D., choosing an academic career defined by online college teaching can move about the world freely since all of the academic teaching work, the grading of college student’s work, and the attendant administrative duties, answering student’' questions about assignment details, exist on the Internet. This means that an online adjunct instructor can pick and choose which city or town or state to live in for any length of time. Additionally, if an online adjunct wants to suddenly travel to a beach in Mexico or a boutique hotel in France there is no reason not to do so providing there is access to the Internet at the destination.

In addition to the mobility acquired by a college teacher who teaches online for accredited online university programs, there is the issue of control over the teaching schedule. As it is now, a traditional adjunct college teacher must wait quietly for the department head of Dean to assign a college class or two. Of course, there is no possibility that the adjunct instructor teaching for a physical community college, state college or a four-year university will have any opportunity to challenge the low pay offered by the school for the intellectual work. In fact, it can be surmised that any protest of overwork or low pay will result in immediate termination and complete loss of income no matter how poor.

Teaching online, on the other hand, is very empowering for the online adjunct college instructor because there are over five thousand post-secondary academic institutions who now have or soon will have many online degree program for which to teach. If an online college teacher determines that an online college degree program requires more work than the administrators are willing to pay for in a reasonable way it is a simple matter to decline offered online college courses for that particular online university program. At the same time, if an online college instructor want to work for an online degree program that pays premium rates for the online teaching or that has a low level of requirements for a certain rate of remuneration and the online teacher finds that arrangement reasonable it is only a matter of applying to that online program on the Internet.

The academic marketplace is huge, and new and returning college students are very interested in earning an accredited online accounting degree, an online rn to bsn degree or an online military degree from their personal computers from the comfort and safety of the their homes and offices. As more college students enroll in the online degree programs, the academic marketplace for the educational and technical skill sets offered by the alert online adjunct instructor will grow larger and offer great opportunities for developing a professional career as an online college teacher. If anything, the availability of online college courses will explode as traditional colleges and universities more fully understand the cost effectiveness of distance education technology.

If nothing else, the lack of any need to maintain and repair a motor vehicle in order to arrive on a college campus will benefit the online adjunct instructor in the form of a silent paycheck. After all, the money that would be spent on a car or truck to drive between college and university campuses in order to teach just a few physical college classes can be redistributed to a variety of other purposes such as travel expenses to a new location. There is no doubt that the accredited online college degree program is the future of post-secondary education, and the best way to start searching for online degree program is to visit the thousands of academic websites.

Every community college, state college and four-year university has a website today. On the first page of each school’s site is a link that will take the prospective online adjunct instructor to the faculty application section that is designed to allow the prospective adjunct college teacher to submit academic credentials. It is very good idea to re-submit an application for online faculty positions every two weeks to each college, university or for-profit college until an invitation is received to teach online. For these reasons it is very smart to have the academic discipline to find online adjunct employment with online degree programs.

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see your blog, very happy

    An academic discipline, or field of study, is a branch of knowledge that is taught and researched at the college or university level. Disciplines are defined (in part), and recognized by the academic journals in which research is published, and the learned societies and academic departments or faculties to which their practitioners belong.

    However, there exists no formal criteria for when educational programs and scholarly journals form an academic discipline. A huge difference exists between, on the one hand, well established disciplines that exist in almost all universities all over the world, have a long history and a well established set of journals and conferences, and, on the other hand, suggestions for new fields supported only by few universities and publications. Fields of study usually have several sub-disciplines or branches, and the distinguishing lines between these are often both arbitrary and ambiguous. Post by Term papers
