Some individuals with graduate degrees try to teach online for online bachelor degree programs and online master’s degree programs, and they usually give up quickly because they have the incorrect perspective about the emerging academic labor market. The truth of the matter, provided the proper outlook is employed by the online adjunct instructor, is that online college teaching positions can be fun and profitable if approached with the idea that teaching online is the domain of the academic entrepreneur, not the finally resting place of the traditional academic employee. An online adjunct instructor who understands that the colleges, universities and for-profit schools that confer a bachelor online degree are extremely happy using the no-so-small army of people with the necessary academic credentials to teach the online college classes full of new and returning college students is will ahead of the distance education game, so to speak, and can enjoy the actual benefits of online teaching.
First, one of the best aspects of teaching online for online college degree programs that offer their students and opportunity to enroll in an online mba degree program, online law degree programs and online nursing degree programs is the freedom to pick and choose the place where the online teaching will be done every day. A college teacher working as an adjunct for traditional post-secondary schools is anchored to a specific geographic location. This is because a traditional college adjunct instructor must be able to reach the physical college campus every day. This need to traverse physical space usually requires a personal vehicle, which cost the traditional college instructor a good chunk of the already minute paychecks for fuel, repairs and insurance.
Second, it is possible for an aggressive online adjunct instructor with good time management skills and a thorough knowledge of how to successfully navigate to acquire as many as a dozen online college classes to teach at one time. This many online courses will require a high level of attention on the part of the online adjunct, but it is certainly not impossible to accomplish provided the right sort of search strategy is in place. While teaching a dozen online courses from a laptop computer is not the possible for every person with an earned graduate degree because it requires self-discipline and an organizational ability that does not permit any interference from external sources, the financial rewards can be very nice. For example, if each online course pays two thousand dollars, the total amount earned from teaching twelve of them would be twenty four thousand dollars. Assuming that the online classes run the length of the traditional academic semester, which is sixteen weeks long, and repeats itself in the fall, summer and winter semesters, this is a yearly income of about seventy thousand dollars.
While this is an excellent income by any academic standards, the best aspect of it is that it can be generated from practically anyplace on the globe that offer a wireless connection to the Internet. So, the combination of the freedom to earn a healthy income in the form of multiple paychecks from a variety of online college degree programs with an inexpensive personal computer accessing the Internet from almost any place the online adjunct instructor choose to be at any given moment means online college teaching positions can be fun and profitable.
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